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ciekawe rozwazania wyksztalconego czlowieka, ktory mowi "sprawdzam"

: śr sty 12, 2022 5:13 am
autor: godzilla
Long before Covid, my mom discouraged me from giving my children their routine childhood immunisations. I take her opinion seriously, and so I looked into it closer. But when I looked into the evidence base, I drew a different conclusion. Against her blessing, we decided to give our kids the shots. We did it a little later, and a bit more spread out than the recommended schedule – because it seemed low-downside and possibly-advantageous – but we did it.

What my mother had provided was a seed of doubt.
duzo wiecej pod tym linkiem

My mom at age 21, working at an MIT research lab on one of the world’s first computers (1969)

Re: ciekawe rozwazania wyksztalconego czlowieka, ktory mowi "sprawdzam"

: śr sty 12, 2022 7:34 am
autor: Reflex

Re: ciekawe rozwazania wyksztalconego czlowieka, ktory mowi "sprawdzam"

: śr sty 12, 2022 7:36 am
autor: godzilla
wrzuc jeszcze to gowno, ktore przedtem umieszczales pod kazdym postem...

a dla innych - warto watpic i samemu sprawdzic!